Come to us for the best advice
Content marketing is a multidisciplinary specialism. This requires a team of well-matched specialists. gr8 has that expertise in-house. As such we are incredibly versatile, and experts in the fields listed below:
Content marketing is a multidisciplinary specialism. This requires a team of well-matched specialists. gr8 has that expertise in-house. As such we are incredibly versatile, and experts in the fields listed below:
The success of your communication stands or falls by founding a strong strategy. It begins with defining appropriate premises. Whether it concerns your brand, your target audience or your content, strategic frameworks are essential when making informed choices. Only then can you create, as we refer to it, gr8 stories for your brand.
Our content strategists will help you create these frameworks. We take a pragmatic approach. No lengthy theoretical reports that end up in the filing cabinet but practical sessions and recommendations that can be immediately implemented. Through interviews and workshops, we connect to your practice and ensure broad support within your organization. Together, we lay a solid foundation for successful communication and the building of a strong brand.
You will find more information below about how we can make the various strategic choices for and, above all, with you.
Once you've developed a solid strategy, it's then time to start creating content. Our 'Create team' is responsible for producing content. Creative ideas are formulated by our concept makers, insightful articles are written by our brand journalists, captivating designs are drafted by our designers and external productions (e.g., film and photography) coordinated by our content managers. The team comprises different specialists who complement each other seamlessly. This is how we ensure that everything we create is exactly in line with the strategic frameworks and contributes to achieving the objectives. In simple terms: we create content that tells the right story.
See below for more information concerning the different types of content we create.
You have the strategy in place and have developed sleek content. This is when it is time to share it with the public. Publishing, in other words. A crucial phase. Because when your content doesn't reach the right people in the right way at the right time, it remains worthless. Publishing content requires not only knowledge, but also discipline. It requires insight into which channels reach the right target group and how to cleverly maximize reach. Being constantly alert to what is going on, seamlessly connecting resources. In short, publishing is an art in itself. Our gr8 publishing team is dedicated to achieving maximum results.
Please see below more information on the various publishing tools we employ.