Bredata: Breda on course to become the most digitally inclusive city in the Netherlands

Digitization and "smart city" are hot topics. Also in Breda. Not for nothing, because digital innovations can offer new solutions for social issues, and much more. To keep the city, now and in the future, a pleasant place to live for everyone. From the master plan Bredata, the ambition of the municipality of Breda is abundantly clear: to be at the top in the field of digitization, but in the Bredata way. With people first.

With 15 ongoing digitization projects and many stakeholders, defining the right communication structure and messages is a tall order. Because, what are you going to tell whom in what way? This communication challenge brought the municipality of Breda to gr8 agency. To find the right content and structure, we went back to basics.

First things first: every communication strategy stands or falls with a rock-solid foundation. Why does Bredata exist and why do we in Breda focus on innovations, what should they achieve, and how do we do that? And above all: is there a Breda character in how we go about this? In a number of interactive working sessions with the team from Breda City Council we zoomed in and out, and got to the core: what does the digital transition look like and what is Bredata's role within it. We examined the external situation (what do we see in terms of digitization?), the internal situation (where does Bredata stand within the municipality?) and Bredata's ambitions. We also examined the target groups and translated this into an effective communication strategy.

The result?

  • A clear and expressive ambition that summarizes in one sentence what we are working towards and what we consider important: Breda: on course to the most digitally inclusive city in the Netherlands.
  • A powerful narrative around the why, how, what. Including objectives and criteria against which all further communication can be assessed.

We also wrote the story for the Smart City Expo in Barcelona 2023. Here Bredata was part of the Dutch delegation with a 'recharge moment' for visitors. In a world where digitization is always present, it is also important to take a break from digital stimuli from time to time. Visitors were invited to a short 'digital detox' with sleep masks and headphones, where our story was recited, with a focus on preserving the human aspect in a digitized world. This was nicely in line with our thoughtful proposition: 'dont forget the people'.

With gr8 agency, we like to sink our teeth into communication on topics that are important to society. This is a great example of that.

Een overzicht van de middelen die we hebben ontwikkeld voor Bredata op de Smart City Expo 2023.

Interesting fact: during the Smart City Expo, Bredata - out of more than 400 entries - was presented with the Living & Inclusion Award for their Better Accessible Application (BBA). An app that makes the city more accessible to people with disabilities. So the course for the most digitally inclusive city in the Netherlands is in good shape for now.

"gr8 agency helps us to clearly communicate Bredata's story, which is about digitization of society, to the different target groups. After a number of workshops, a powerful story was developed that forms the basis for communication about digitalization of/in Breda. A subject that affects many people and is sometimes quite challenging socially. Communication therefore listens very closely."

- Judith van Brussel, program manager Bredata