Jos Poell claims thought leadership with online magazine 'Toast'

For Jos Poell, we went to work on the online magazine 'Toast' - an ownable content hub, brimming with content written from consumer insight and using social media as a traffic driver.

Think | the strategy

Jos Poell is the authority when it comes to tasty and quality pasta, but this was still insufficiently known to the target audience. In the content strategy, we therefore mapped out Jos Poell's brand DNA and examined the target group's digital behavior and content needs. Biggest challenge? To claim the though leadership 'Taste' for Jos Poell through online content.

Create | the content

To credibly claim the 'Taste' domain, we worked with chef Wilco on an online magazine with recipes, taste advice and step-by-step video content. Of course, a good social media campaign to generate traffic to the online magazine could not be missed.

Publish | the result

The online magazine, powered by social content, proved a hit: the target group read an average of 4 pages per session and spent an average of 32 seconds on the online platform. With a cost of €0.08 per article view, we were able to generate a lot of impact with a modest budget.

Spring dishes with chef Wilco van den Baar